Saturday, March 20, 2010

Stop & Shop Trip 3/19/10

I haven't been posting much about my spectacular shopping trips.  Yes, there is a reason.  There have been no spectacular trips.  Oh, I've been shopping, and I have been couponing, I just can't seem to get the deals that I see on all the other awesome blogs that I read!  (And I am working on getting better links to them all!)  I took a bit of a step back in regards to the drug stores.  I even let a $5.00 register reward from Walgreens expire!  Gasp!

Here's my problem.  I now have an enormous stock of razors, deodorant, and bodywash.  My husband will be clean and shaven for the next year.  I have cereal, plenty of cereal.  And I am still cutting every single coupon.  Cutting, but not using.  I'm sharing the ones I won't use.  I was starting to buy things that we don't need or won't use.  So, I have started over.  I am not making any big promises about posting the circular deals and pictures of what I get, all the amazing things I read every day on other blogs, but i am going to give it a try!

That said, I did a Stop & Shop run on Friday.  I knew this was going to be a big trip because I needed to get some staples, there were some good sales for stuff we use, and I am hosting a little egg hunt next week for some cousins on Rob's side, so I picked up some stuff for that ahead of time too!

I ended up spending $102.74, but I saved $94.01!  Almost half!  Hooray!  A friend of mine hosted a House Party for DiGiorno, so she gave me some awesome $4.00 couons for the new DiGiorno Pizza with Breadsticks.  I picked up 3 of them to use for our egg hunt lunch next weekend!  We were going to order pizza, but I think those will work just as well, and with the coupons, all three cost less than ordering one pizza!  I also picked up some Celeste frozen pizza's that were on sale for $.88.  Those are a staple in this house.  I was able to snag 4 of the $.75/1 coupons for the Smart Taste Pasta, so i got 4 boxes for $.29!  WooHoo!  That pasta is less points for me than regular pasta, and my family doesn't even know it's healthy for them!  I had some coupons I got in the mail from Gerber, and one was for a free Graduates item.  Kayla is not a baby per say anymore, but she still loves those snacks!  So, we scored some Fruit Snacks for free!  Eggs were also B1G1F this week!  I am going to go back and get some more towards the end of the week since we will be dying quite a few next weekend!  I also had a $5.00 off that I got last week as a Catalina, and I got a series of $5.00 off coupons in the mail for the next five weeks.  They let me use both coupons this week, so that was another $10.00 off!

  That's just a few of the deals I got!  I am going to try and be better about pictures and deal posting!  I just might make a CVS run tomorrow!

My New Best Friend???

We've had Trader Joe's around here for quite some fact, longer than I knew it existed.  I love Trader Joe''s healthy, sometimes organic, and things I don't normally buy.  Well, I'm sorry to say, you wil have to move over Trader joe's...Whole Foods has moved on in!!!! 

Now, I have only been once, and I had my toddler in tow, however, I am thinking I may make a special little trip there in the morning while my little cherubs are eating their Frosted Flakes!  Fruga wise, probably not the best place for me to go.  BUT, they do have and take coupons, so I can still save!  Plus, after all the saving I have been doing, I can stand a spurge or two! 

This place is huge, for me, and although I did manage to make the rounds of the entire store twice, I did not really get to LOOK at everything.  Once I get to do that, I can post more details.  Can I just say they have an entire cheese section - as in the same way they have a bakery and a butcher counter!  This is gonna kill me as far as counting my points goes!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I have been slacking badly in the blog department.  Not good.  It leads to slacking everywhere.  It's still new, and I know there aren't any readers (yet?), but somehow, I am kept accountable here.  I don't have anything silly, or funny, or even financial to share today.  Just some of 'ME".  It's been a crazy month so far...I had a sick little girl who I was getting seriously worried about.  This child can talk the ear off an elephant even while she is hovered over a barf bucket, but not this time.  She refused to speak, eat, drink, nothing.  Poor baby slept for 3 between the hovering, of course...and then, mean Mama that I am, I tried to send her to school on that Friday.  Really, she needed to go.  We were going to be away Monday and Tuesday of the next week, so she had to go!  And she did, without argument...but we got the call soon after she left.  Grandma went to her rescue and she slept the rest of the day.  Now I was really worried.  I was also selfishly worried that this would ruin the little get away we planned as a surprise for our babies!  But, alas, by Friday evening this child was chattering away again!  All she needed was some toast and Gatorade!  Phew!
And so, we were off!  We took our lovelies to The Great Wolf Lodge.  You need to go there!  We had such a blast!  I'm already going over the budget to figure out where I can make cuts so we can get there again real soon!  We went, just the plain ol' four of us, and we had so much fun!  There is PLENTY for our 2 1/2 year old to do, and more than plenty to keep our 6 year old thrill seeking child, who we swear is part fish, happy too!  Brief description...there is a "toddler" area that has 3 short slides, and two longer, but slower, windy slides.  There are fountains coming out of the floor all over the place!  There's a wave pool, and a regular pool.  Hot tubs...there are a bunch of slides for the bigger kids, and the even bigger "kids", a lazy river, and another pool that has lily pads and logs to hop across!  My description does nothing to give this place justice.  That's just the water area...there's an arcade, a cute show and story time for the kids...I want to go back NOW!  (No, GWL is in no way compensating me for this post, they have no idea I even like them this much!)
Some things I will do differently next time...We will stay for 2 nights.  We were able to stay and enjoy the entire facility all day our second day, but since check out is at 11 am, that was hard.  We have two still little ones.  After a couple of hours, they needed a break.  There are locker rooms, but if you have little ones, you know that trying to corral and change them in a locker room, and then trying to find something for them to do without breaking the bank, is hard when you don't have the room to go back to!  I will also pack a full cooler of food.  The rooms have a fridge and microwave!   (Yeah, I knew it, but I couldn't believe that food would be quite as costly as it was!)  I did bring some food and snacks, but next time, we will bring meals as well.  Don't worry about the day you check out either...use the ice machine and fill your cooler, then you can stick sandwiches in there!  Yay!
Can you tell how excited I am about the vacation we just had?  And that was only two days!  The rest of the time was spent just hanging around at home.  Without a budget.  No budget and me are not a good combo.  We should have saved a ton of money because we were home...we ate out a ton, and shopped aimlessly.  Well, that won't happen again!  Next vacation will be done with the envelope system!  And the envelope has been started! 
On that financial note, I am still couponing, and still shopping for the lowest prices.  Right now, I am over the fevered rush.  I've slowed down a bit, and I am trying to take my time, only get the things we will use, and focus on the things we need the most.  We seem to go through paper towels and TP at an alarming rate!  Unfortunately for me, those things aren't the cheapest because I'm kinda picky about my TP!  Of course, I am TRYING to get over it.  So hard!  And I have started sharing the coupons that I know I won't use.  I am not in the place yet where I can give you lists and prices, and right now, I can't even manage to clear off my table enough to show any pictures!  It will come!  Just like Spring!  I hope...I need Spring!  I feel that itch to get organized and clean out. 
Clearly this is the longest post I have ever I think I should be stopping now...maybe I will be inspired to write again tomorrow!
Until then!